Our M1 Doctors
Whether a minimally invasive beauty treatment or aesthetic and plastic surgery, at M1 Med Beauty Swiss, quality and safety are our top priorities. Our M1 doctors for aesthetic medicine and our medical specialists the field of plastic surgery and will advise you personally, in detail and competently to achieve the best possible treatment result. Through regular further training at the M1 Akademie, our doctors are always up to date with the latest treatment techniques and products.
Dr. med. Nino Reisener
Arzt im Bereich Ästhetische Medizin
Dr. med. Nino Reisener | Vita
- Studium der Humanmedizin an der Otto von Guericke Universität in Magdeburg
- Praktische Tätigkeiten in der Plastischen Chirurgie in der Helios Klinik in Burg
- Praktische Tätigkeiten in der Chirurgie in New Somerset Hospital in Kapstadt/Südafrika
- Praktische Tätigkeiten in der Praxis Beauty b Brueck in Fort Myers/Florida
- Teilnahmebescheinigung für Hands-on Workshop Perfectha
- Experte für Ästhetische Behandlungen mit Belotero, Radiesse und Botulinum (Merz Aesthetics)
- Spezialist im Bereich der Lippenaugmentation mit Hyaluronsäure
- Experte für Ästhetische Behandlungen mit Belotero und Radiesse (Merz Aesthetic)
- Teilnahmezertifikat für Allergan Workshop „8 Point Lift Juvederm Phase 1″
- Teilnahmezertifikat für Allergan Workshop „8 Point Lift Juvederm Phase 2″
Dr. med. Zoltan Schumann
Dr. med. Zoltan Schumann | Vita
human medicine studies at Medical Hochschule Hannover
resident physician at Teaching Hospital Universität Münster (Krankenanstalten Gilead, Bielefeld, Clinic for Tauma-/Visceral Surgery)
resident physician, unit for surgery and sports traumatology, Hospital Burgwedel/ Hannover – Teaching Hospital, Medical University
Hannover -
resident physician, clinic for plastic surgery and hand surgery, Klinikum Bremen Mitte – Teaching Hospital, Universität Göttingen
attending senior physican, BG-Klinik „Bergmannstrost“ in Halle/Saale (Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery/ Burn Trauma Center)
medical specialist and deputy senior physician at Martin-Luther-Klinikum Berlin (Clinic for Plastic, Hand and Aesthetische Surgery) specializing in reconstructive, breast-conserving surgery, breast cancer patient therapy, and breast augmentation/ breast reduction
medical specialist, Clinic for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (certified Breast Center, Emil von Behring Krankenhaus Berlin)